Requests for Proposal
Snow Removal Tender2023-24 Snow removal at all municipal buildings. Details are HERE.
CLOSED 2022-23 The Rural Municipality invites tenders for snow removal and salting at our Municipal Properties from November 15, 2022 through to April 17, 2023 on a fixed price basis, with the option for Year 2. Snow Removal required at 4 municipal locations 1. North Shore Community Center 2120 Route 25, West Covehead, PE 2. Stanhope Place - 2784 Bayshore Rd, Stanhope, PE 3. Grand Tracadie School - 16 Harbour Rd, Grand Tracadie, PE 4. Grand Tracadie Rink Parking Lot –40 Rink Road, Grand Tracadie, PE Tenders shall be submitted by completing the snow removal tender forms and placing it in a sealed envelope, clearly marked on the outside, “Rural Municipality of North Shore Tender - Snow Removal 2022-2023 c/o Stephanie Moase, CA0, 2120 Covehead Road, Rte 25, West Covehead, PE, C0A 1P0. It is the responsibility of the respondent to deliver the sealed tender to the Municipal Office by Nov 9, 2022 12pm Late submissions will not be accepted and will be returned to the Respondent unopened. CLOSED |
Recreation Strategic Plan RFP
The Rural Municipality of North Shore (RMNS) is seeking submissions from individuals or firms to provide a Recreation and Public Open Space Strategic Plan. The Municipality is growing and ensuring there is a long term vison for recreation and public spaces is imperative. Proposals shall be submitted by completing all requirements set forth in the proposal document and placing it in a sealed envelope, clearly marked on the outside, “Rural Municipality of North Shore RFP - Recreation and Public Open Space Strategic Plan-" c/o Stephanie Moase, CA0, 2120 Covehead Road, York, PE, C0A 1P0. It is the responsibility of the respondent to deliver the sealed bid to the Municipal Office by Aug 15, 2022 12pm Late submissions will not be accepted and will be returned to the Respondent unopened. ********** Addenda ********** RFP has been re-opened and extended until Aug 15, 2022 12 pm. Please click below for questions asked from a respondent and answered by the CAO Questions and Answers CLOSED Awarded to Harper Consulting |
Water Study and System Design Update RFPThe Rural Municipality of North Shore (RMNS) is seeking submissions from individuals or firms to provide an update of previous water studies with a conceptual design and analysis of a potable water system for Stanhope Peninsula. Proposals shall be submitted by completing all requirements set forth in the proposal document and placing it in a sealed envelope, clearly marked on the outside, “Rural Municipality of North Shore RFP - Water Study Update and Analysis-" c/o Stephanie Moase, CA0, 2120 Covehead Road, York, PE, C0A 1P0. It is the responsibility of the respondent to deliver the sealed bid to the Municipal Office by Dec 10, 2021 at 2:00 pm. Late submissions will not be accepted and will be returned to the Respondent unopened. ******** ADDENDA ********* RFP Submission Date has been extended to Monday Jan 31, 2022 at 4pm CLOSED Awarded to CBCL |
Legal RFPThe Rural Municipality of North Shore (RMNS) is seeking submissions from individuals or firms to provide legal consulting services to the municipality for a period of five (5) years following the execution of a suitable agreement. Proposals shall be submitted by completing all requirements set forth in the proposal document and placing it in a sealed envelope, clearly marked on the outside, “Rural Municipality of North Shore RFP - Legal Consulting Services-" c/o Stephanie Moase, CA0, 2120 Covehead Road, York, PE, C0A 1P0. It is the responsibility of the respondent to deliver the sealed bid to the Municipal Office by July 16, 2021 at 12:00 noon. Late submissions will not be accepted and will be returned to the Respondent unopened. CLOSED Awarded to Key Murray Law |