North Shore Seniors Homestead
The Homestead currently has available apartments. Please contact Gerard Watts at 902-394-0473.
The photos below are from the 2019 turkey dinner the Homestead Board of Directors and Friends of the Homestead put on each year for the Homestead residents.
Participants included: Bill Lawlor (Chair), MaryMackenize, Dianne Flood, Geri Morrison, Bernie Campbell, Gayle MacDonald, Rogers Bell, Murray Stevenson, Sharon Bradley, and Gerard Watts.
The photos below are from the 2019 turkey dinner the Homestead Board of Directors and Friends of the Homestead put on each year for the Homestead residents.
Participants included: Bill Lawlor (Chair), MaryMackenize, Dianne Flood, Geri Morrison, Bernie Campbell, Gayle MacDonald, Rogers Bell, Murray Stevenson, Sharon Bradley, and Gerard Watts.