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Rural Municipality of North Shore 2120 Rte 25 West Covehead, PEI C0A 1P0 Municipal Office: (902) 672-2600 Office Hours: Monday to Thursday, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Facebook: Chief Administrative Officer Sarah Wheatley Email: [email protected] Recreation and Events Coordinator *** Email: [email protected] Development Officer Mirko Terrazas Office Hours Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 9:00am -4:00pm Email: [email protected] Please call if you need to make an appointment North Shore Fire Department For emergencies call 911 For non-emergency calls please contact the Fire Marshall's Office at (902) 368-4869 Hours: 24 Hours Service Season: Year-round For further information, please contact: Brian MacCarville: (902) 626-9810 |
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